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Richardson, a first ring suburb in the fast growing Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, has kicked off a Transit-Oriented Development and Innovation District Study to imagine its evolution as technology and the region changes.
Read ArticlePhiladelphia has been named by Amazon as one of 20 finalists for HQ2! Looking forward to the next steps of this process.
Read ArticleSome good news - the City of Fargo and the City Commission adopted Fargo InFocus on December 4th, 2017!
Read Article“Chinatown is a neighborhood that is constantly changing and adapting in order to survive,” said Sarah Yeung, director of planning for PCDC. “The key is to strike a balanced approach while at the same time not letting go of our values, which is to allow for community self-determination and to create an equitable community.”
Read ArticleCitylab featured our EcoInnovation District plan and just this week it was formally adopted by the Planning Commission! Our local partners have already organized a task force to tackle implementation. Next up, a revamped zoning code for the district that will serve as a template for zoning changes city-wide.
Read Article...and we're off. With a steering committee in place, we've begun our year-long process to create a vision and plan for the future of Wilmington. We're excited to work with Mayor Purzycki, City staff and Wilmington residents and businesses to bring their ideas to life!
Read ArticleGreat press for our recent public event in Downtown. The event at the Central Library was designed to preview ideas before drafting the plans and gaining some insights from the public about their priorities.
Read ArticleGreat review of the implementation progress for the Macon Action Plan. So excited to see the many positive changes to our home away from home.
Read ArticleWhatever comes of the planning process in Eastwick is likely to include a range of uses, said Scott Page, of Interface, simply because there’s so much land at stake. And key to the entire process will be managing development in light of the threats of climate change and the predictions of sea level rise.
Read ArticleDuring our very first meeting, neighborhood residents told us to expect a 'fiery bunch' and they did not disappoint. We are so fortunate to be working with such an engaged community. Thanks to all who came out on Monday night, it was a great discussion, and we look forward to planning WITH you in the coming months!
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