The Dallas-Fort Worth metro area in North Texas leads the nation in population and job growth, according to 2017 estimates and data from the Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics. The region has long been a hub of technology and innovation from Texas Instruments’ invention of the silicon transistor in the 1950s and the Telecom Corridor in the 1990s. Today, as technology changes, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex is repositioning itself as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. Richardson, a first ring suburb of Dallas and home of the Telecom Corridor, has kicked off a Transit-Oriented Development and Innovation District Study for a 1,200 acre industrial park along a DART light rail station. The area consists largely of older flex space built for the telecom companies that must adapt to changes in markets, technology and users. The plan is an opportunity to engage business owners, employees, residents and area stakeholders in imagining how this district should evolve.